26/11/2011 - this is the special date for my family. guess what happen on this date.. my luvly sister is belonging to a lucky man. wuaa my sis already got married.. huhuu.. so, i can't having pillow talk with her anymore.. she is the only my elder sister.. feeling a bit losing someone in my life.. my dad was the "tok kadi" on that day.. i know my dad n mum also having the same feeling like me.. even more i think coz they are the person who raised up my sis until she is now.. she is a secondary school teacher actually, same goes to her husband.. these some picture of her..
Monday, December 5, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
smoking again n again...
today i wanna share a diagram that i get from one of my fren... i think this diagram really2 interesting n will make u understand more about smoking.. lets see this...
just think n try ur best to quit smoking.. :)
today i wanna share a diagram that i get from one of my fren... i think this diagram really2 interesting n will make u understand more about smoking.. lets see this...
just think n try ur best to quit smoking.. :)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
pity him (hazim)... :(
salam n sweet day..
today i got a sad new from my auntie that her grandchild get kidney problem n water inside the lung.. i shocked to hear that coz her grandchild just one yr plus of age. so little dear hazim to get that problem. maybe this is becasue hazim has twin. he is brother. hazim is my cousin's son. i think maybe coz he is birth as twin. that the risk. i pray to ALLAH to save him upon this big problem. insyaALLAH. let's pray to ALLAH for his safety.
now i want to share some info about kidney... how's it important????
The kidneys play a critical role in the body: Acting as the body's filtering system, they help control water levels and eliminate wastes through urine. They also help regulate blood pressure, red blood cell production, and the levels of calcium and minerals.
But sometimes the kidneys don't develop properly and, as a result, don't function as they should. Often these problems are genetic and not due to anything a parent did or didn't do.

Many of these problems can be diagnosed before a baby is born through routine prenatal testing and treated with medication or surgery while the child is still young. Other problems may emerge later, such as symptoms of urinary infections, growth retardation, high blood pressure, etc. In some cases, the problems are more severe and require more extensive surgical treatment.
Kidney failure, which is also called renal failure, is when the kidneys slow down or stop properly filtering wastes from the body, which can cause buildups of waste products and toxic substances in the blood. Kidney failure can be acute (which means sudden) or chronic (occurring over time and usually long lasting or permanent).
today i got a sad new from my auntie that her grandchild get kidney problem n water inside the lung.. i shocked to hear that coz her grandchild just one yr plus of age. so little dear hazim to get that problem. maybe this is becasue hazim has twin. he is brother. hazim is my cousin's son. i think maybe coz he is birth as twin. that the risk. i pray to ALLAH to save him upon this big problem. insyaALLAH. let's pray to ALLAH for his safety.
now i want to share some info about kidney... how's it important????
The kidneys play a critical role in the body: Acting as the body's filtering system, they help control water levels and eliminate wastes through urine. They also help regulate blood pressure, red blood cell production, and the levels of calcium and minerals.
But sometimes the kidneys don't develop properly and, as a result, don't function as they should. Often these problems are genetic and not due to anything a parent did or didn't do.
Many of these problems can be diagnosed before a baby is born through routine prenatal testing and treated with medication or surgery while the child is still young. Other problems may emerge later, such as symptoms of urinary infections, growth retardation, high blood pressure, etc. In some cases, the problems are more severe and require more extensive surgical treatment.
Kidney failure, which is also called renal failure, is when the kidneys slow down or stop properly filtering wastes from the body, which can cause buildups of waste products and toxic substances in the blood. Kidney failure can be acute (which means sudden) or chronic (occurring over time and usually long lasting or permanent).
- Acute kidney failure may be due to bacterial infection, injury, shock, heart failure, poisoning, or drug overdose. Treatment includes correcting the problem that led to the failure, and in rare cases requires dialysis.
- Chronic kidney failure involves a deterioration of kidney function over time. In kids and teens, it can result from acute kidney failure that fails to improve, birth defects, chronic kidney diseases, or chronic severe high blood pressure. If diagnosed early, chronic kidney failure can be treated. The goal of treatment usually is to slow the decline of kidney function with medication, blood pressure control, and diet. At some point, a kidney transplant may be required.
Pneumonia is often described as people having water in their lungs. If you do drown or take in a huge amount of water through inhalation, you could develop pneumonia. However, not all pneumonia is due to water in the lungs, but is instead accumulation of fluid in the lungs, which may have nothing to do with inhaling water. The body can produce fluid in the lungs because of infection, high pulmonary pressure, as a result of surgery, and for a number of other reasons. This isn’t technically water but “fluid.”
How people do get water in their lungs is usually very specific. You must inhale water (not a recommended practice). And don’t expect that water in the lungs will remain long, especially if you take in a very small amount. If you’re having a glass of water and you drink it and inhale at the same time, you may have that experience of water going down “the wrong pipe,” as the expression goes. This generally induces significant coughing, since the lungs will reject the water, and do everything they can to push it back out of an environment where it shouldn’t exist.
ok that are some info about that problem..
see u next entry.. :)
How people do get water in their lungs is usually very specific. You must inhale water (not a recommended practice). And don’t expect that water in the lungs will remain long, especially if you take in a very small amount. If you’re having a glass of water and you drink it and inhale at the same time, you may have that experience of water going down “the wrong pipe,” as the expression goes. This generally induces significant coughing, since the lungs will reject the water, and do everything they can to push it back out of an environment where it shouldn’t exist.
ok that are some info about that problem..
see u next entry.. :)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
selamat hari ayah..
semua orang ada ayah n mak yang amat disayangi. begitu juga saya.. my dad is a very protective person.. he just want me to be da best. ayah akan sentiasa tanya apa yang saya lakukan setiap hari. this is because i'm staying far from my family since i was in form 1. jadi, saya merupakan anak yang sgt2 berdikari (cewah). sampai la sekarang saya masih bljar n blajr.. bak kata ayah itu saja yang mampu ayah berikan untuk anak2 dia. he cannot give us the prosperity. jadi saya sentiasa pegang tu sampai la sekarang.. sebenarnya course dentistry yang saya ambil sekarang is my dad's choice.. bkn keinginan saya.. tapi bila masuk dalam course ni i love them much even i have to go through all the hardest things. but a know it's just for awhile. i thank to ALLAH coz giving me such a lovely dad n mum that always support n motivate me when i was down.. my father is my motivator while my mum is my supporter.. happy father's n mother's day ayah n mak.. luv u so much..
semua orang ada ayah n mak yang amat disayangi. begitu juga saya.. my dad is a very protective person.. he just want me to be da best. ayah akan sentiasa tanya apa yang saya lakukan setiap hari. this is because i'm staying far from my family since i was in form 1. jadi, saya merupakan anak yang sgt2 berdikari (cewah). sampai la sekarang saya masih bljar n blajr.. bak kata ayah itu saja yang mampu ayah berikan untuk anak2 dia. he cannot give us the prosperity. jadi saya sentiasa pegang tu sampai la sekarang.. sebenarnya course dentistry yang saya ambil sekarang is my dad's choice.. bkn keinginan saya.. tapi bila masuk dalam course ni i love them much even i have to go through all the hardest things. but a know it's just for awhile. i thank to ALLAH coz giving me such a lovely dad n mum that always support n motivate me when i was down.. my father is my motivator while my mum is my supporter.. happy father's n mother's day ayah n mak.. luv u so much..
Friday, June 17, 2011
bidadari di syurga saja ada..
saya ada baca satu article ni dari Dr Zainor Rashid tentang lelaki yg ingin cari isteri yg perfect ada satu dialog antara mak n seorang anak yg suruh mak dia cari calon isteri untuk dia...
Ummi – Mat…,(berhenti sekejap). Kau dah besar Mat. Ummi rasa dah sampai masanya untuk kau berumahtangga dan memiliki keluarga sendiri.
Ahmad – Betul ke Ummi? Mat ok aje kalau Ummi boleh carikan calon yang sesuai…. (senyum malu) Ummi – Haah ni gambar dan biodata A, Ummi yakin dia sangat baik orangnya
Ahmad – Nampak ok orangnya Ummi tapiiii….. dia ni gempal sikitlah Ummi
Ummi – Dah 3 bulan Ummi cari calon yang ni, B macam yang Mat sebut tu
Ahmad – Masya Allah Ummi….tapi B ni rendah orangnya lah….
Ummi – Nah ! Cuba tengok gmbar C ni, tentunya memenuhi citarasa kau Mat Ahmad – Subhanallah….., cantik dan manis betu dia ni tapi dia gelap sikitlah Ummi..
Ummi – Kau minat tak D anak Pak Cik Min tu, cantik, putih dan badan pun slim
Ahmad – Mat nak yang macam tu lah Ummi tapi….yang lemah lembut sikit wataknya
Ummi – Tengok gambar E ni pulak, dah 4 bulan kawan Ummi tolong carikan untuk anak Ummi sayang ni Ahmad – Mat suka macam dia lah ni Ummi tapi Mat nak yang kelulusan professional lah
Ummi - Cuba kau tengok gambar F ni, baru lulus jurutera dari Australia pulak
Ahmad – Allah Allah hebat dia ni…tapi kalau dia ada ciri berkepimpinan, Mat memang setuju
Ummi – ni pulak G, doktor muda balik Mesir & ada ciri-ciri ketua, lama dah Ummi cari
Ahmad – Masya Allah hebat, tapi dia tak hafal 30 juzuk Qur’an lah Ummi
Ummi - Maafkan Ummi Mat, Ummi tak ada masa yang banyak untuk cari calon yang sempurna macam yang kau nak
Ahmad – Kalau macam tu boleh Ummi minta tolong abah carikan pulak…
Ummi – Abang 2x, cubalah carikan calon untuk Mat, anak kita yang memilih sungguh tu.
Abah – Calon yang macam mana dia nak?
Ummi – Dia nak seorang yang putih melepak, cantik, tidak rendah, tidak tinggi, tidak gempal, watak yang lemah lembut, lulusan bidang professional, berkarismatik dan ciri terakhir, hafal 30 juzuk Qur’an.
Abah – Ok lah. Sayang pun tau, abang ni kurang sabar kan? Ayang pesan je pada Mat tu… minta dia tengok cermin puas-puas. Kalau dia betul-betul nak kahwin dengan bidadari, dia kena masuk syurga dulu….
kesimpulannya, kita kena cermin diri sendri dulu sblm demanding sesuatu.... :)
saya ada baca satu article ni dari Dr Zainor Rashid tentang lelaki yg ingin cari isteri yg perfect ada satu dialog antara mak n seorang anak yg suruh mak dia cari calon isteri untuk dia...
Ummi – Mat…,(berhenti sekejap). Kau dah besar Mat. Ummi rasa dah sampai masanya untuk kau berumahtangga dan memiliki keluarga sendiri.
Ahmad – Betul ke Ummi? Mat ok aje kalau Ummi boleh carikan calon yang sesuai…. (senyum malu) Ummi – Haah ni gambar dan biodata A, Ummi yakin dia sangat baik orangnya
Ahmad – Nampak ok orangnya Ummi tapiiii….. dia ni gempal sikitlah Ummi
Ummi – Dah 3 bulan Ummi cari calon yang ni, B macam yang Mat sebut tu
Ahmad – Masya Allah Ummi….tapi B ni rendah orangnya lah….
Ummi – Nah ! Cuba tengok gmbar C ni, tentunya memenuhi citarasa kau Mat Ahmad – Subhanallah….., cantik dan manis betu dia ni tapi dia gelap sikitlah Ummi..
Ummi – Kau minat tak D anak Pak Cik Min tu, cantik, putih dan badan pun slim
Ahmad – Mat nak yang macam tu lah Ummi tapi….yang lemah lembut sikit wataknya
Ummi – Tengok gambar E ni pulak, dah 4 bulan kawan Ummi tolong carikan untuk anak Ummi sayang ni Ahmad – Mat suka macam dia lah ni Ummi tapi Mat nak yang kelulusan professional lah
Ummi - Cuba kau tengok gambar F ni, baru lulus jurutera dari Australia pulak
Ahmad – Allah Allah hebat dia ni…tapi kalau dia ada ciri berkepimpinan, Mat memang setuju
Ummi – ni pulak G, doktor muda balik Mesir & ada ciri-ciri ketua, lama dah Ummi cari
Ahmad – Masya Allah hebat, tapi dia tak hafal 30 juzuk Qur’an lah Ummi
Ummi - Maafkan Ummi Mat, Ummi tak ada masa yang banyak untuk cari calon yang sempurna macam yang kau nak
Ahmad – Kalau macam tu boleh Ummi minta tolong abah carikan pulak…
Ummi – Abang 2x, cubalah carikan calon untuk Mat, anak kita yang memilih sungguh tu.
Abah – Calon yang macam mana dia nak?
Ummi – Dia nak seorang yang putih melepak, cantik, tidak rendah, tidak tinggi, tidak gempal, watak yang lemah lembut, lulusan bidang professional, berkarismatik dan ciri terakhir, hafal 30 juzuk Qur’an.
Abah – Ok lah. Sayang pun tau, abang ni kurang sabar kan? Ayang pesan je pada Mat tu… minta dia tengok cermin puas-puas. Kalau dia betul-betul nak kahwin dengan bidadari, dia kena masuk syurga dulu….
kesimpulannya, kita kena cermin diri sendri dulu sblm demanding sesuatu.... :)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
muslimah vs cinta
pabila bercinta zaman remaja pasti ada yg mengatakan tidak dpat kekal lama.. btol tak?? ini kerana masing2 belum bersedia utk memberi komitmen utk bertanggungjwb antra satu sama lain..
sekarang sya nak beri tips utk mengatasi putus cinta yg sya ambil dari ilove islam..
1. Kembali kepada-Nya – Banyakkan beribadah termasuk melakukan amalan sunat. Luangkanlah lebih masa dengan-Nya.
2. Sentiasa ingat jodoh itu ketentuan Allah – anggap semua yang berlaku adalah ujian daripada Allah dan ada hikmah disebaliknya. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menurunkan ujian jika hamba-Nya tidak mampu untuk menanggungnya. Bersabarlah.
3. Meminta nasihat ibu bapa atau orang terdekat – Ibu bapa adalah yang terbaik dalam memberikan nasihat kerana sudah merasa asam garam kehidupan dan tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Jika berasa malu atau takut untuk meminta nasihat daripada ibu bapa, sekurang-kurangnya berkongsilah masalah anda dengan orang yang terdekat dan rapat seperti kawan baik. Jangan pendamkan di dalam hati, nanti semakin merana diri.
4. Buang semua tentang si dia – Jika anda tidak sanggup membuang kenangan anda berdua, letaklah jauh dari sudut penglihatan anda supaya anda tidak berasa sedih dan ingin kembali dengannya. Buang nombor si dia dan segala mesej yang terdapat dalam telefon bimbit anda.
5. Sibukkan diri – Lakukan apa sahaja kerja yang baik dalam kehidupan seharian anda supaya anda tidak terlalu memikirkannya. Sekiranya ada aktiviti, libatkan diri. Dengan itu boleh mengurangkan kesedihan yang melanda.
6. Muhasabah diri – Jangan ikutkan perasaan, terimalah hakikat bahawa dirinya bukan untuk anda. Ada yang lebih baik.
7. Berkawan dengan ramai orang – Janganlah kerana putus cinta anda tidak mahu bergaul. Namun, kawal pergaulan anda sebagai seorang muslimah. Menambah kenalan adalah baik dalam mengukuhkan ukhwah. Di samping itu anda akan berasa kesedihan putus cinta itu akan hilang sedikit demi sedikit.
pabila bercinta zaman remaja pasti ada yg mengatakan tidak dpat kekal lama.. btol tak?? ini kerana masing2 belum bersedia utk memberi komitmen utk bertanggungjwb antra satu sama lain..
sekarang sya nak beri tips utk mengatasi putus cinta yg sya ambil dari ilove islam..
1. Kembali kepada-Nya – Banyakkan beribadah termasuk melakukan amalan sunat. Luangkanlah lebih masa dengan-Nya.
2. Sentiasa ingat jodoh itu ketentuan Allah – anggap semua yang berlaku adalah ujian daripada Allah dan ada hikmah disebaliknya. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menurunkan ujian jika hamba-Nya tidak mampu untuk menanggungnya. Bersabarlah.
3. Meminta nasihat ibu bapa atau orang terdekat – Ibu bapa adalah yang terbaik dalam memberikan nasihat kerana sudah merasa asam garam kehidupan dan tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Jika berasa malu atau takut untuk meminta nasihat daripada ibu bapa, sekurang-kurangnya berkongsilah masalah anda dengan orang yang terdekat dan rapat seperti kawan baik. Jangan pendamkan di dalam hati, nanti semakin merana diri.
4. Buang semua tentang si dia – Jika anda tidak sanggup membuang kenangan anda berdua, letaklah jauh dari sudut penglihatan anda supaya anda tidak berasa sedih dan ingin kembali dengannya. Buang nombor si dia dan segala mesej yang terdapat dalam telefon bimbit anda.
5. Sibukkan diri – Lakukan apa sahaja kerja yang baik dalam kehidupan seharian anda supaya anda tidak terlalu memikirkannya. Sekiranya ada aktiviti, libatkan diri. Dengan itu boleh mengurangkan kesedihan yang melanda.
6. Muhasabah diri – Jangan ikutkan perasaan, terimalah hakikat bahawa dirinya bukan untuk anda. Ada yang lebih baik.
7. Berkawan dengan ramai orang – Janganlah kerana putus cinta anda tidak mahu bergaul. Namun, kawal pergaulan anda sebagai seorang muslimah. Menambah kenalan adalah baik dalam mengukuhkan ukhwah. Di samping itu anda akan berasa kesedihan putus cinta itu akan hilang sedikit demi sedikit.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
riak tanpa sedar...
harini saya nk ingatkn diri saya juga tentang riak tanpa sedar.. itu satu dosa... suma dah tau tu.. cuma bagaimna kita nak elakkn perasaan tu dari hadir dlm dri n fikiran kita..
kadang2 kita xdpt nk elakkn perasaan tu dari hadir.. itu kerna kita adalah manusia biasa yg x lari dari melakukan dosa.. tp bila ada terdetik sedikit perasaan tu cuba cpt2 ucap astaghfirullahala'zim..
insyaALLAH ALLAH dpt ampunkn dosa kita tu.. amin..
so, kata astaghfirullahala'zim tu sgt2 penting... :)
harini saya nk ingatkn diri saya juga tentang riak tanpa sedar.. itu satu dosa... suma dah tau tu.. cuma bagaimna kita nak elakkn perasaan tu dari hadir dlm dri n fikiran kita..
kadang2 kita xdpt nk elakkn perasaan tu dari hadir.. itu kerna kita adalah manusia biasa yg x lari dari melakukan dosa.. tp bila ada terdetik sedikit perasaan tu cuba cpt2 ucap astaghfirullahala'zim..
insyaALLAH ALLAH dpt ampunkn dosa kita tu.. amin..
so, kata astaghfirullahala'zim tu sgt2 penting... :)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
stop smoking before it getting worst man...
lamanya this blog is not updated.. ok now i'm going to let u come with me to da fresh environment without smoking..
kita mmg tau not even boys are smoker but girls too. oh noo.. girls, are u want to see ur child getting burden with ur bad action. i don't soo girls, right.. all women are wish to have the healthier n cutie child.. so u are da 1st person gonna check back what the thing that u have been done dear..
i hate smokers.. sorry for this statement. i know all smokers will hate me back. please dear smokers stop smoking before it getting worst
i praise to ALLAH, alhamdulillah coz my dad already stop smoking coz he has shortness of breath.
ok i want to remind all da smokers that smoking can be one of the silent killer..
lately, my pair of ear have been warm by the news of death coz of heart attack..
come guys.. i really hope u all out there very2 concern about this..
i x force u all to stop smoking by sudden... just take ur time dear.. u're not just kill ur self but also ur lovers..
anak dapat asma coz everyday sedut asap papa yg smoking.. ohh.. really2 sad dear..
anak yg x brdosa n sihat waktu lahir got asma sbb u..
if u just think that u wanna release ur tension coz ur work.. let think again bout ur lovers..
stoppp dears... :)
lamanya this blog is not updated.. ok now i'm going to let u come with me to da fresh environment without smoking..
Don't tell me your excuses for why you haven't quit. If your entire family smokes, make it your goal to be the first one to quit. If you job is stressful, look for ways to relax naturally and to make your job more peaceful.. my frend aso has one suggestion to all da smokers out there..
"dear smokers, you are polluting people's environment due to your habit. please be sensible, respectful. if you wanna live your life as smokers, please smoke while putting your head in a plastic bag. don't share the harmful smoke with us, please!!!"kita mmg tau not even boys are smoker but girls too. oh noo.. girls, are u want to see ur child getting burden with ur bad action. i don't soo girls, right.. all women are wish to have the healthier n cutie child.. so u are da 1st person gonna check back what the thing that u have been done dear..
i hate smokers.. sorry for this statement. i know all smokers will hate me back. please dear smokers stop smoking before it getting worst
i praise to ALLAH, alhamdulillah coz my dad already stop smoking coz he has shortness of breath.
ok i want to remind all da smokers that smoking can be one of the silent killer..
lately, my pair of ear have been warm by the news of death coz of heart attack..
come guys.. i really hope u all out there very2 concern about this..
i x force u all to stop smoking by sudden... just take ur time dear.. u're not just kill ur self but also ur lovers..
anak dapat asma coz everyday sedut asap papa yg smoking.. ohh.. really2 sad dear..
anak yg x brdosa n sihat waktu lahir got asma sbb u..
if u just think that u wanna release ur tension coz ur work.. let think again bout ur lovers..
stoppp dears... :)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Bercinta sampai ke SYURGA......
salam sweetie...
Now, i'm going to tell something about the best book that i've read... the title of this entry is actually the title of that book.. i really love this book.. but actually i'm not finish reading that book yet... but for the all early chapters are very wonderful and meaningful to me... it's about love... how i'm going to handle if i'm falling in love with somebody.. i really love the chapter of "sebelum di bius cinta"... so, meaningful because i'm not falling in love with someone yet.. so, it really suits me a lot.. hahhahaha...
ok that's all... i want to study now... bubye...
wassalamm... :)
Now, i'm going to tell something about the best book that i've read... the title of this entry is actually the title of that book.. i really love this book.. but actually i'm not finish reading that book yet... but for the all early chapters are very wonderful and meaningful to me... it's about love... how i'm going to handle if i'm falling in love with somebody.. i really love the chapter of "sebelum di bius cinta"... so, meaningful because i'm not falling in love with someone yet.. so, it really suits me a lot.. hahhahaha...
ok that's all... i want to study now... bubye...
wassalamm... :)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
hepy new year.... :)
salam sweetie... dah lama not update this blog.. x dak mood to update here... i'm so busy lately with research n pts... happy new yr anyway..... msti have new aims n azam for this 2011.. of course dearie... lately, many of my frens dah engaged n getting married... congrates my dearie frens.. i think i will be the last person to go through that memorious day... huhu... it's ok anyway.. coz i need to focus on my study 1st.. lets the my Mr Right comes naturally... hahha.. (nak muntah rasanya)... betul la kn2... who's gonna be my Mr Right.. only GOD knows.. i love this quotes a lot.. madah's quotes "saved da best 4 da lest".. it seeams suited with me right.. hahah.... ok that's all.. :)
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